Friday, 20 April 2012


A couple more important decisions from the Lincolnshire County Cricket League's pre-season meeting, held on Wednesday night:
HYKEHAM: Due to a shortage of players within the club, Hykeham have been forced to drop a side for 2012, with much regret. Through a letter read to the meeting, they requested to be allowed to "pull" their side from division one and keep a team in division four. The matter was thrown open to the floor by chairman Bob Welton for club delegates to have their say. Comments were made in support of Hykeham's request, while other delegates argued they ought to carry on in division one (this being the higher-ranked team). It went to a vote which came down very heavily in favour of Hykeham's remaining team playing in division four.
CLEETHORPES 4ths: It has been agreed that the Meggies can play home games at Brocklesby Park CC for one season only, the playing area being regarded as acceptable. This is a one-off situation caused by Cleethorpes losing their scheduled venue in Grimsby at short notice.  Wednesday's meeting heard they were already exploring alternatives for 2013.


  1. Dangerous precedents to set......

  2. These are not precedents . The Hykeham situation was discussed at great length and a common sense view was taken by democratic vote,better to see a club continue and be given the opportunity to rebuild from the lower end of the League as their remaining player strength was not up to Division One standard .If they had been forced to play in that division and had taken some very heavy beatings the morale of the club could,it was felt,have been totally destroyed and they may have ceased to exist.No useful purpose would have been served by that course of action would it?Some clubs may have helped themselves to cheap points but that's all.As for Cleethorpes , the League membership agreed to give them a "grace period" of one year only, to prepare another ground up to the Leagues minimum standard,would you have removed them from the League or given them a season to sort out another ground ? If these circumstances were to arise again in future years I would hope that the membership would take a similar view .

  3. I'm not saying I disagree with the decisions taken Bob but they are, by definition, precedents. That was the only point I was making. Sorry if I offended, it was not my intention.

  4. Ooh, and apologies for appearing anonymous, i'm not sure how to set up my name etc but i'll get that sorted!!

    Del Crabb STCC

  5. I'm not offended at all ,I did make the point during the meeting that these were strange circumstances and any decisions reached would not set a precedent.As ,I would hope we will not see another club losing it's use of a ground so close to the start of a playing season or as,in the case of Hykeham finding out they had lost nearly ALL of their first team squad less than 24 hours before the meeting .As a League we came up with the right decisions I'm sure ,and I know we will do the right thing in the future .Let's hope we are not faced with it again . Look forward to seeing you playing at some stage of the season !
